Scholars’ Hall Elementary School – JK to Grade 8
Scholars’ Hall is listening to parents and educating children for tomorrow’s reality. In addition to the regular September – June school year, Scholars’ Hall offers a comprehensive HeadStart Summer Program to ensure that our students keep learning while others forget. This full year schooling program is offered for students between Grades JK – 8. Click here for more information on our highly successful HeadStart Summer Program.
We offer a traditional school year schedule (September to June), but also provide the option for students to continue learning on a flexible full or part-time schedule throughout July and August. This allows for a huge increase in a child’s instructional hours each year and allows them to maintain valuable skills they learned the year before. Students start the school year again in September feeling confident and equipped to excel in their new grade.
The high school program at Scholars’ Hall provides students with a powerful edge over their peers. Our unique 3 semester program allows students to accumulate additional credits and complete the high school curriculum more quickly, giving them an advantage toward University admissions. The high school schedule has been purposefully aligned with the standard university academic calendar in order to better prepare our students for the post-secondary challenge.
The schedule is as follows:
1st Semester | September to December | 4 Credits |
2nd Semester | January to April | 4 Credits |
3rd Semester | May to August | 2-4 Credits |
Our four-semester system allows students to fast-track through high school. There is an opportunity to earn four credits every four months rather than four credits every five months like in the public system. Scholars’ grads will be presented with two additional points of entry into post-secondary institutions – January and May. This provides a huge advantage over their peers, as all of the public school students are forced compete at one time over limited spots each September.
Why Choose Full-Year Schooling?More than a century ago, the school year was restricted to September – June in order to allow the school children to work on the farm during the most busy farming months. In July and August children would be busy from sun-up to sun-down with chores around the farm. Back in these older times, parents told educators that their children could not be in school because they were needed at home.
Today, parents have expressed their concern over this antiquated school year schedule. There is no longer a valid reason why children should only be at school for eight and a half months a year instead of twelve. In modern times, a traditional September – June school year is no longer needed but our school system has not adapted to the changes in our way of life. With 10 weeks off school, parents are forced to plan and schedule their children’s time in camps and other forms of childcare. The break is so long that children forget much of what they learned the year before. Teachers spend the first number of weeks in September only for review of the previous year and to re-establish previously learned skills. A valuable portion of the school year is wasted helping kids remember what they forgot over the summer.
Now more than ever, our children need better than a century old education. Without educational hours that are competitive with children of China, Japan, Korea and many other countries, our children will be hard pressed to compete globally for post-secondary education and employment opportunities.
Scholars’ Hall has taken a leadership role in the educational field, by introducing a Full-Year School which allows parents a great deal of flexibility, and gives our students a marked advantage.
This full year schooling program has been offered at Scholars’ Hall for grades JK-12 since 2001.
Providing flexible full-year schooling options allows every family to make their own decision regarding attendance in July and/or August as best suits their own plans. Some parents may keep their child at home for the summer; some parents may take their children on an extended visit to family and relatives in their home country for the summer; while some parents must continue work and will want their child to continue in the excellent learning environment at Scholars’ knowing that they have the flexibility to take their family vacation when ever is best suited for them.
The educational advantage is enormous and allows each child to progress well beyond any level they would be achieving in the publicly funded system.
The parent’s advantage is equally as great. Parents need not struggle to arrange activities, camps and sitters for the summer. The whole year remains the same. There is no disruption to the family’s daily routines.
(Grades 7-12)
Kindergarten at Scholars’ Hall is all day, everyday for 4 and 5 year olds who are ready to learn in a teacher-taught academic environment with French introduced in JK.
A strong foundation in the basic academic skills is absolutely essential as a foundation for your child’s future educational success. It is essential that a positive attitude towards learning, good work habits, and a strong self esteem must be developed at an early age.
Scholars’ Hall provides a teacher-taught, structured academic program. Phonics, reading and correct spelling are emphasized. Penmanship is taught right from the start and applied through note making, journals, and homework. Memory skills are emphasized and applied to number facts, listening skills, and following instructions. Daily routines, organization skills, early development of a strong work ethic and nurturing a positive self image are an integral part of the learning process at Scholars’ Hall.
More Information on our Kindergarten ProgramPHD @ Scholars’ Hall
(Providing HeadStart Development)
a liberal arts education beginning
and continuing from JK through Grade 2
Every Day is Open House – Come for a Visit
Qualified Caring Teachers – Small, Limited Classes Size
We have hand picked our teachers not merely for their teaching qualifications but also because they have natural parenting aptitudes and qualities. With our classes significantly size smaller than the publicly funded systems, these wonderful teachers are able to know and care for each child as if they were their own.
Nurturing Environment – Strong Family Values
Scholars’ Hall is a warm, welcoming and safe place for young children to experience the Joy of Learning. Respect, honesty, kindness, and understanding are all combined with the development of a life-long work ethic, positive interactional skills and personal confidence.
Full Days, Everyday, 10, 11 or 12 months a year Schooling
Our PHD Program is an every day, all day, program where parents have the option of 10 months, 11 months, or 12 months of schooling. There are no professional development days. Our teachers are here at Scholars’ Hall every day except Saturdays, Sundays and Statuary Holidays. Families can take their vacations when it is convenient for them and and their work schedule. When you return, Scholars’ Hall will get your child back to speed with the other children in our P.H.D. Program.
After School Supervision Available
Everyday your child can be actively engaged from after school to your pick-up (by 5:29) so you do not have to worry or rush or change your work day.
Register your child today or reserve his or her spot now for the future. Reservation lists have been created so that a family can secure a seat in Scholars’ Hall years in advance of their child’s 4th birthday.
For P.H.D. Program Registration or early Reservation
Contact Scholars’ Hall
Becoming part of the Pride at Scholars’ Hall – These are the crucial grades when a child begins to use their reading, spelling, and arithmetic skills to acquire knowledge and transmit information. The ability to express yourself in the written form is the most important skill developed at this stage of learning. If this skill is not developed well, future academic success may be jeopardized. In grades kindergarten to 2, students learn to read. In grades 3 and 4, students begin to read to learn.
The Scholars’ Hall Advantage is a class of students whose emerging skills of reading and spelling are emphasized and strengthened. Written expressive skills of sentence structure, paragraphing, grammar, capitalization, punctuation, cohesion, and coherence are improved. The introduction of note making, research and study skills are of special importance in these grades at Scholars’ Hall. A good foundation in these important skills now will facilitate the personal best performances in the later grades.
More Information on our Primary SchoolSmall classes can make a BIG difference !
Today’s Students acquiring knowledge, skills, a work ethic and character to become Tomorrow’s Leaders
Students in Grades 1 to 8
learning to set, meet and exceed personal standards
Small Classes, increased Instructional time
We hand pick our teachers not merely for their teaching qualifications but also because they have natural aptitudes and qualities. With our Scholars’ classes half the size of the publicly funded systems, teachers are able to have performance expectations appropriate to each student’s skill set and academic ability. Scholars’ teachers can then expect and challenge each student to perform up to his/her own ability not just to a provincial standard.
Nurturing Environment, Strong Family Values
Scholars’ Hall is a warm, welcoming and safe place for children to experience the Joy of Learning. Respect, honesty, kindness and understanding are all combined with the development of a life-long work ethic, positive interactive skills and personal confidence. A common sense, age referenced, Code of Behaviour, with little tolerance for inappropriate behaviour is consistently enforced at Scholars’ Hall.
Lower School Leadership Program
“Leadership is doing what is right, even when no one is looking”
Our Lower School Leadership Program is based upon The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People” and “The Leader In Me” developed by Dr. Stephen Covey. It is more than just philosophy. It is embedding the principles of leadership into daily classroom life, lessons, school activities, bulletin boards and developing an attitude within each student and teacher. Our Leadership Program is established within the classroom through simple ways such as leadership notebooks (where students keep track of their personal and academic goals), group activities and artwork and once a week classes gather to take part in “Leadership Time”. This special time each week is set aside with the sole purpose to build upon the “7 Habits” and strengthen our students’ practical skills such as cooperation, self-confidence, problem solving skills and learning to learn from our mistakes. These are skills that go well beyond academia. By providing opportunities to utilize individual strengths and talents, students realize they have greatness within themselves and begin to believe that they can do well in other areas of life. Our Lower School Leadership Program takes place formally on Wednesday afternoons from 2:30-3:30. During this time students are instructed on the “7 Habits”. This is the foundation that will be built upon as students move through the program and be the base for all leadership learning. After the “7 Habits” are taught within the classroom students will have an opportunity to utilize what they have learned and work as a team. Events such as Science Fairs, Art Galas, Winter Balls, building a new library for our school and a garden are some of the ideas the students have come up with to showcase their learning. In addition, students will have opportunities to showcase their learning through Leadership Days that will occur once a month. Weekly, our senior elementary students recognize the leadership accomplishments of our younger students at an Achievement Assembly. This assembly honours a student’s greatness and talents and their contribution as part of a team to create a superior school environment.
Education, it’s not your job, it’s Ours
There are no PD days, no extra holidays, and an extra 1/2 hour of instruction every day, at Scholars’ Hall. We teach every day. We give and check homework every day. Homework is not done in class. Friday’s are “stay-till-it’s-done” day. If it is not done up to a student’s personal performance standard, it gets done again!
Growing strong and confident. . .
These are also very crucial grades. A child needs to use their reading, spelling, writing and arithmetic skills not only to acquire knowledge, but to transmit information effectively and efficiently. The ability to express yourself well in the written form is the most important skill practiced at this stage of learning. If this skill is not diligently practiced, future academic success may be jeopardized. In the lower school grades students learn to read. In these Junior grades of middle school not only do students read to learn but they write to communicate.
The Scholars’ Hall advantage is a class of children who are taught in a teacher directed, structured academic program. Phonics is taught and applied to oral reading and correct spelling. Penmanship is taught and applied to note making, journals, and homework. Memory is developed and applied to number facts, listening skills, and following instructions. Daily routines, organization skills, early development of a strong work ethic and the nurturing of a positive self image are an integral part of the learning process at Scholars’ Hall.
More Information on our Junior SchoolSmall classes can make a BIG difference !
Today’s Students acquiring knowledge, skills, a work ethic and character to become Tomorrow’s Leaders
Students in Grades 1 to 8
learning to set, meet and exceed personal standards
Small Classes, increased Instructional time
We hand pick our teachers not merely for their teaching qualifications but also because they have natural aptitudes and qualities. With our Scholars’ classes half the size of the publicly funded systems, teachers are able to have performance expectations appropriate to each student’s skill set and academic ability. Scholars’ teachers can then expect and challenge each student to perform up to his/her own ability not just to a provincial standard.
Nurturing Environment, Strong Family Values
Scholars’ Hall is a warm, welcoming and safe place for children to experience the Joy of Learning. Respect, honesty, kindness and understanding are all combined with the development of a life-long work ethic, positive interactive skills and personal confidence. A common sense, age referenced, Code of Behaviour, with little tolerance for inappropriate behaviour is consistently enforced at Scholars’ Hall.
Lower School Leadership Program
“Leadership is doing what is right, even when no one is looking”
Our Lower School Leadership Program is based upon The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People” and “The Leader In Me” developed by Dr. Stephen Covey. It is more than just philosophy. It is embedding the principles of leadership into daily classroom life, lessons, school activities, bulletin boards and developing an attitude within each student and teacher. Our Leadership Program is established within the classroom through simple ways such as leadership notebooks (where students keep track of their personal and academic goals), group activities and artwork and once a week classes gather to take part in “Leadership Time”. This special time each week is set aside with the sole purpose to build upon the “7 Habits” and strengthen our students’ practical skills such as cooperation, self-confidence, problem solving skills and learning to learn from our mistakes. These are skills that go well beyond academia. By providing opportunities to utilize individual strengths and talents, students realize they have greatness within themselves and begin to believe that they can do well in other areas of life. Our Lower School Leadership Program takes place formally on Wednesday afternoons from 2:30-3:30. During this time students are instructed on the “7 Habits”. This is the foundation that will be built upon as students move through the program and be the base for all leadership learning. After the “7 Habits” are taught within the classroom students will have an opportunity to utilize what they have learned and work as a team. Events such as Science Fairs, Art Galas, Winter Balls, building a new library for our school and a garden are some of the ideas the students have come up with to showcase their learning. In addition, students will have opportunities to showcase their learning through Leadership Days that will occur once a month. Weekly, our senior elementary students recognize the leadership accomplishments of our younger students at an Achievement Assembly. This assembly honours a student’s greatness and talents and their contribution as part of a team to create a superior school environment.
Education, it’s not your job, it’s Ours
There are no PD days, no extra holidays, and an extra 1/2 hour of instruction every day, at Scholars’ Hall. We teach every day. We give and check homework every day. Homework is not done in class. Friday’s are “stay-till-it’s-done” day. If it is not done up to a student’s personal performance standard, it gets done again!
At this grade level, students must be able to use the basic academic skills well. Students must continue developing their written expressive skills. Student must be acquiring the ability to think independently. Student must have a strong work ethic and must be improving their ability to focus and have a daily commitment to high achievement. And finally, students at this level must have the beginings of an unshakable belief in their ability to be successful. Very few students, in the public system leave Grade eight with these abilities well developed.
Scholars’ Hall has a class of students who are provided a great amount of help, instruction, and guidance to achieve to their highest possible level. With such a small class our teachers are able to give individual and in-depth instruction, recognize areas needing review or remediation, provide daily feedback with regard to performance and effort, check daily for difficulties with homework and have the time to provide an intensive review prior to examinations.
In this day and age when the competition for university entrance is so strong that only those students who earn the highest grades will be accepted, it is imperative to take advantage of this opportunity at Scholars’ Hall.
More Information on our Intermediate SchoolSmall classes can make a BIG difference !
Today’s Students acquiring knowledge, skills, a work ethic and character to become Tomorrow’s Leaders
Students in Grades 1 to 8
learning to set, meet and exceed personal standards
Small Classes, increased Instructional time
We hand pick our teachers not merely for their teaching qualifications but also because they have natural aptitudes and qualities. With our Scholars’ classes half the size of the publicly funded systems, teachers are able to have performance expectations appropriate to each student’s skill set and academic ability. Scholars’ teachers can then expect and challenge each student to perform up to his/her own ability not just to a provincial standard.
Nurturing Environment, Strong Family Values
Scholars’ Hall is a warm, welcoming and safe place for children to experience the Joy of Learning. Respect, honesty, kindness and understanding are all combined with the development of a life-long work ethic, positive interactive skills and personal confidence. A common sense, age referenced, Code of Behaviour, with little tolerance for inappropriate behaviour is consistently enforced at Scholars’ Hall.
Lower School Leadership Program
“Leadership is doing what is right, even when no one is looking”
Our Lower School Leadership Program is based upon The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People” and “The Leader In Me” developed by Dr. Stephen Covey. It is more than just philosophy. It is embedding the principles of leadership into daily classroom life, lessons, school activities, bulletin boards and developing an attitude within each student and teacher. Our Leadership Program is established within the classroom through simple ways such as leadership notebooks (where students keep track of their personal and academic goals), group activities and artwork and once a week classes gather to take part in “Leadership Time”. This special time each week is set aside with the sole purpose to build upon the “7 Habits” and strengthen our students’ practical skills such as cooperation, self-confidence, problem solving skills and learning to learn from our mistakes. These are skills that go well beyond academia. By providing opportunities to utilize individual strengths and talents, students realize they have greatness within themselves and begin to believe that they can do well in other areas of life. Our Lower School Leadership Program takes place formally on Wednesday afternoons from 2:30-3:30. During this time students are instructed on the “7 Habits”. This is the foundation that will be built upon as students move through the program and be the base for all leadership learning. After the “7 Habits” are taught within the classroom students will have an opportunity to utilize what they have learned and work as a team. Events such as Science Fairs, Art Galas, Winter Balls, building a new library for our school and a garden are some of the ideas the students have come up with to showcase their learning. In addition, students will have opportunities to showcase their learning through Leadership Days that will occur once a month. Weekly, our senior elementary students recognize the leadership accomplishments of our younger students at an Achievement Assembly. This assembly honours a student’s greatness and talents and their contribution as part of a team to create a superior school environment.
Education, it’s not your job, it’s Ours
There are no PD days, no extra holidays, and an extra 1/2 hour of instruction every day, at Scholars’ Hall. We teach every day. We give and check homework every day. Homework is not done in class. Friday’s are “stay-till-it’s-done” day. If it is not done up to a student’s personal performance standard, it gets done again!
In September 2012, Scholars’ Hall became the first high school in Canada to switch to a university Tri-Semester year!
Scholars’ Hall students are provided a great amount of help, individual instruction, and personal involvement and guidance from some of the finest teachers ever to prepare students for post-secondary success. With such a small class our teachers are able to give individual and in-depth instruction, constant and consistent daily feedback and motivation to maximize individual performance and effort. At this level, our teachers become personal mentors and advisors.
Our students earn their place in the post-secondary institution of their choice – they don’t have to compete for a place! And they do it because of Scholars’ Hall.
More Information on our High School ProgramWhen your son or daughter applies to University or College, which response will they receive ?
(a) accepted at first choice;
(b) accepted at second choice;
(c) accepted at third choice;
(d) accepted at all the above:
(e) accepted at none of the above.
At Scholars’ Hall, most often, the answer is (d)*, because . . .
At Scholars’ Hall Private High School we offer:
* Scholars’ Hall has no influence with any post-secondary institution and individual decisions of acceptance. All post-secondary applicants are accepted based upon that institution’s yearly program admission criteria and the number of total submissions to each post-secondary course of study and/or program.
Scholars’ Hall is the first high school in Canada to be affiliated with a post-secondary institution. Scholars’ Hall is proud to be affiliated with Conestoga College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning. Conestoga College is a leader in polytechnic education, offering university recognized Bachelor’s degrees.
Scholars’ Hall is a founding Member of the Board of Canadian Federation of University Preparatory Schools
High school registrations for all grades at Scholars’ Hall are accepted prior to each semester – August, December and April. Places are limited. Please contact the school at 519-888-6620 or
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